
Donations are fully spend on our charity projects, because the members of the Foundation pay all costs incurred by the Foundation activities themselves. The Foundation is classified as ANBI (Public Benefit Organization) which makes your donation tax deductible (see 'Become a Friend'). If you want to support us with a one-time contribution you can do so directly through our account. Please include your contact details such as phone number or email address so we can thank you personally.

Bank account number: NL57ABNA0611211084
In name of: Stichting School Support and Beyond


Become a friend

As Friend of School Support and Beyond you will be regularly informed on new developments and results of our charity projects. The Foundation is classified as ANBI (Public Benefit Organization) which makes your donation tax deductible (only applicable for NL). As of January 1, 2014 this can be arranged via a simple agreement with the foundation, involvement of a notary is no longer needed. There are several ways to support School Support and Beyond. If you want to make a structural contribution you can do so through:

Fixed monthly donation

Fine if you can spare a small fixed amount per month. Unfortunately, we can not use of a authorization form. That's why we ask you to set these frequent transfers yourself. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Organize an activity 

By initiating and organizing an activity yourself you can become actively involved in our Foundation and are able to contribute directly to one of our projects. You can think of setting up a workshop, a coffee morning or a cooking course. Of course we will also welcome your own ideas. Please contact us so we can help you with your initiative.